www.facebook/Les Bons Viveurs




-         When operating a boat never drink alcohol.
-    Always wear a properly fitted life jacket if you are not a Sailing aficionado
-         Always operate your boat at a safe speed.
-         Be sure you have the proper safety equipment for your vessel and maintain it.
-         Know the laws, ‘rules of the road’ for boat owners.

-         At all times be aware of your surroundings, including weather conditions, waves, currents, storms, fog, etc.
-         Always check the weather forecast for your destination
-         Plan clothing, equipment and supplies accordingly
-         Take a boating safety course
-         Make sure you know how to swim and take a course on how to rescue others from drowning.

-         Avoid making to much noise. Noisy motors are illegal and prevent boat operators from hearing voices signals and warnings of danger.
-         File a float plan with family or friends.
-         Be conscious of environmental issues, fuelling, habitat damage and wildlife harassment.
-         Travel responsibly on designated waterways and launch your watercraft in designated areas.
-         Always have a designated lookout to keep an eye out for the other boaters, objects and swimmers.
-         Comply with all signs and barriers. This includes speed limits, no wake zones and under water obstructions, etc.
-         Make every effort to always go boating with a partner.
-         Make sure have enough fuel and oil for the entire trip.
-         Make sure your owner’s manual and registration is on board in waterproof containers.
-         Always carry a Coastguard approved working fire extinguisher.
-         Know your limitations. Apply sunscreen, drinks lots of water and watch your energy level.
-         Know distress signals and warning symbols.
-         Always travel slowly in shallow waters and avoid boating in water less than 2 ½ feet deep.
-         Do your part by leaving the area better than you found it, properly disposing of fuel, oil, and waste, avoiding the evasive species, restoring degraded areas and joining a local enthusiast organization.

The following resources will help you learn more about boating education and safety:

Bonne Voyage!!!!!!

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