Les Bons Viveurs presents a series of Photos with Great Impact. Unfortunately we could not find sources for every picture as much as we tried. I you know anyone who is the rightful owner of a picture please indicate him to our blog and we'll be more than happy to reference him.
A picture they say is a 1000 words. Well, seat tight and watch these... some of them are mind blowing, some are nostalgic and some others just make us feel grateful for what we have and count our blessings.
Les Bons Viveurs might be dedicated to the Luxury Lifestyle but every once in a while is sharing educational or cultural or even breaking news that worth bringing to your attention..
Our Family, which is you, your neighbor, your fellow countryman, your friend whom you invited to our community of Les Bons Viveurs share more than just a Lifestyle experience. We care of our fellow people, We are eager to learn more, We are expecting more from Life, We don't forget where we come from.
Enough being said and with a thousand thoughts in our heads we present you the Pictures with the Greatest Impact...
17 year old Jan Rose Kasmir offers a flower to soldiers during the Pentagon anti-war protest in 1967
A Brazilian protester stands before gunfire during protests against corruption and police brutality.
Sergeant Frank Praytor looks after a two-week old kitten during the height of the Korean War.
A curious Afghan girl holds the hand of an American soldier.
Grown up against their will..
Generosity lessons from a Kid. When risking your life for a helpless puppy.
A North Korean waves at his South Korean brother after inter-Korean temporary family reunions.
Thania Sayne leans on the headstone of her husband the day before their Wedding Anniversary on 16 October 2013

Anna Fisher, astronaut, with stars in her eyes on the cover of Life magazine in 1985. She was the first mother in space.
When Beasts show gratitude. Shaolin Monk rescues tiger-Everlasting Friendship

A journalist dashes across a bridge between to rescue an unknown baby during Civil War. (1936)
Motherhood in the wrong age...
A Rwandan boy left scared after being liberated from a death camp.
Love is actually everywhere you look. Might be in a different shape or form.

Hamid Sardar captures a tribal Chhetri woman in Nepal. (2009)
The Golden Years of Rock & Roll.

A boy crosses a London street in the 1960s with a toy double decker.

Playing for a Crowd..

When people wake up, a revolution starts towards a new beginning.
No Ordinary Love after 80years.
Captain Donald Spindler pulls 6 years old Aaliyah Frazier from a fire in Indiana
Mother brings back to life newborn after 2 hours of crying & praying while child being clinically dead.
Coal Miner in Chile rescued after 10 weeks...
A man protests in Tienanmen Square, Beijing (1989)
Young one destined to be a future Geisha
When Men are more sensitive than women.
Violinist, Nancy Dinovo, cries while playing during a service at Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Vancouver for the September 11 victims.
A child of the Erbore tribe in Ethiopia
Shocking! The child of a KKK member touches his reflection in an African American police officer's riot shield during a demonstration. (1992)
Clara Grantt is reunited with her husband's body after more than 60 years. Sergeant Joseph Grantt went missing during the Korean war.
Child in France in the post War era running to his family with a baguette. See the smile..
Caroline Joan Peixoto, City Arts, photographed classical ballet students at rehearsal in Rwanda's only classic ballet school. This school has given the Kigali community incredible hope as the first post genocide ballet school.
Caring for someone besides your problems.
100.000 Monks in prayer for a better world.
Homeless with a rich Heart.
The New generation in Tehran. Skater girls.
Beauty in Africa.
10 year old Yemeni girl smiling after she was granted a divorce from her husband - grown adult.
3 weeks old infant with albinism snuggles up to his cousin for a snooze.
Lt. Colonel Robert L. Stirm is reunited with his family after being taken prisoner during the Vietnam war.
Father entertains his son. Look at the boys expression!

An Irish teenager yells at British soldiers during unrest in Northern Ireland.
A Mursi tribe woman discovers Vogue magazine in Ethiopia.
The King of the Gypsies in Romania.
A young punk lets a boy explore his spikes.
Dr. Religa monitors his patients vitals after the first 23 hour long heart transplant surgery. His assistant is sleeping in the corner. (1987)
The patient not only survived the surgery, but outlived his doctor.
Beauty in the eyes.

Protester plays piano over the sounds of chaos, with riot police in the backdrop.
Supporters celebrate as Minnesota legalizes gay marriage.
Papua New Guinea woman during a Singsing celebration in Mount Hagen
When everyone else is praying.
Indian women laugh to the camera.
The tattoo of wounded soldier Kyle Hockenberry becomes truth.
Always a good time to laugh, even in the blistering cold.

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